Friday, June 21, 2019

Improve Usability of Your Website

Improve the usability of your website

No matter how brilliant the design of your website is, if it is difficult to access the content of your site, then your site is just as useful as an empty shell. Here are some tips to improve the usability of your website to ensure it fulfills its functions optimally.

The first method is to make sure that the typography of your content is adequate. If you have large blocks of text, be sure to use CSS to space the lines accordingly. The longer a line of text is, the greater the line height of each line. Also, make sure that the font size of your text is large enough to read easily. Some sites have text of 10 pixels high in Verdana font; While this may seem neat and tidy, you have to work hard to read the actual text.

Make it easy for visitors to find the content they want on their site. If you have thousands of articles on your site and a certain visitor wants to find a single item from that pile, you must provide a viable means for visitors to do so without problems. Whether it's a SQL-based database search engine or simply a glossary or index of items you have, this feature will ensure that your visitors can use your site with ease.

Make sure your site loads fast if you do not want to lose visitors. Most Internet users will leave a website if it is not fully loaded in 15 seconds, so make sure the cream of your website cream is sent to visitors as soon as possible to retain their attention.

Finally, try each and every link on your site before it is online. There is nothing more effective in tarnishing your professional image than broken links, so be very careful with that.

Building your mailing list with downloads

A mailing list is the vital element of your online business. The old adage "money is on the list" can not be true enough: if you had a specific list of prospects to contact each time you have a new product, you can save a lot of effort by publishing it on your existing list of specific prospects .

In fact, you can create a specific list of prospects interested in your products by offering a relevant download on your website. For example, let's look at a very good example: When you download the free iTunes and Quicktime software from your site, you will be asked to complete an optional name and email form so that you can send offers on songs you can buy through: guess where: iTunes!

Actually, it does not need to offer such a "heavy" download as full-featured software, like iTunes. You can attract prospects equally well with some quality gifts, such as a simple report, a free wallpaper, etc. The important thing is that your download offers enough value for the prospect to be willing to give away their own email address to obtain it.

However, putting together a simple download and placing a link on your website will not be enough to attract qualified prospects. You will have to do some tasks so that your lead generation mechanism works well for you.

First, you should place your download form in a prominent place on your website. Preferably, dedicate a page and link to that page from any other page of your website. That way, there's no way your visitors can not find the download page, and when they do, you'll get some of them to become your prospects!

Also, you should put some effort into promoting your download. Explain and elaborate on the values ​​of the download and why your visitors should download it. You might think why someone would want to spend a freebie, but most of their visitors would be too lazy to make the effort to download it, since most of their downloads are only located on the hard drive and accumulate virtual dust. Therefore, it is important to show your visitors why they should download their promotional gift.
Improve Usability of Your Website
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