Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Moving your Eyes from side-to-side Improves Memory

Moving your Eyes side-to-side Improves Memory | Healthbiztips
Moving your Eyes from side-to-side Improves Memory | Healthbiztips 
photo credit: Andrii Podilnyk @yirage @unsplash

Moving your Eyes from side-to-side Improves Memory | Healthbiztips

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan | psychology blog

Memory is a crucial part of our everyday life, whether you have an upcoming examination or just trying to remember the name of the person  you've just met. Did you know that you can actually boosts your brain power simply by shifting your gaze from side to side in as short as 30 seconds.

Research by Andrew Parker and his colleagues uncovers that moving the eyes from side to side help people recall words. You may be wondering if moving the eyes up and down hacks the brain to enhance your memory, however, their studies reveal that it does not.
How is this possible? Moving the eyes from side to side for 30 seconds works because it triggers both hemisphere of the brain to interact. When you move your eyes to the right, it activates the left hemisphere of your brain, and when you move your eyes to the left, it activates the right part of your brain.

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Moving your Eyes from side-to-side Improves Memory
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