Thursday, April 18, 2019

Are you addicted to eating ice?

Addicted to eating ice - Healthbiztips

What would you want for snack? How about a cup of rock hard ice cubes? Sounds appetizing?

Eating ice wouldn't make you fat, but it can certainly damage your teeth. It's something we can be guilty of every time there's an ice left from of our cold drink, but there are certain people who are addicted to ice.
Addicted to eating ice - Healthbiztips
Addicted to eating ice - Healthbiztips
photo credit: David von Diemar @davidvondiemar @unsplash

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Addiction to the point that they can no longer control their ice eating behavior.

There's actually a medical term for ice addiction. It's called pagophagia.

This eating addiction is a form of pica, which is defined as eating non nutritional stuffs.

Out of all the possible stuffs, why ice?

A common culprit of being addicted to eating ice is iron deficiency anemia, although the exact mechanism that led to this type of pica can not be determined.

Stress and mental health problem such as obsessive compulsive behavior can also cause ice addiction.

It's not a healthy obsession

Chewing ice on a regular basis can take it's toll on your teeth, which can cause cracked tooth and tooth decay.

It's best to seek out medical or psychological help to aid you with this obsession.

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Are you addicted to eating ice?
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