Thursday, April 18, 2019

5 Tips to get good posture

5 Tips to get proper posture - Healthbiztips

Good posture doesn't just build confidence, it's also an important component of a healthy body.

Bad posture has awful consequences. Not only does it make you look timid, it can also cause back pain and spine deformity.

Tips to get good posture - Healthbiztipss
Tips to get good posture - Healthbiztips
photo credit: David Hofmann @davidhofmann @unsplash

@healbiztips by Arlene Gentallan
Certain habits can make it tough to maintain a good posture. Use of mobile phone, desktop computer, and sitting for a long period of time can have negative impact to posture.

We're not completely helpless. There are things we can do to achieve and maintain a good posture.

1. Avoid looking down

Usually, when we use our phone or computer, we are forced to look down unconsciously.

In this case, you have to make certain changes. Adjust your computer screen so it is at your eye level to remove the strain on your back.

2. Don't slouch

Slouching is bad for your spine. Sit up straight.

I know it can be hard to sit up straight especially when you're spending an awful lot of time on your chair doing office work or playing your game. It will be a wise move to switch your usual chair to an ergonomic chair to properly support you back.

3. Stand up

Make it a habit to allot intervals in between long periods of sitting. This can be as simple as putting an alarm on your phone, so this way, you'll be reminded to stand up and do stretching.

4. Sleep on your back

One of the culprit of bad posture is sleeping on your stomach. Make it a habit to sleep on your back instead to keep your spine properly aligned.

5. Stretches and exercises

There are certain stretches and exercises like yoga that can aid you to achieve and maintain a good posture.

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5 Tips to get good posture
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